Change Indicator

Children and families receiving evidence-based home visiting services in Montana

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Definition and Source



The number of families and children receiving evidence-based home visiting services through the Healthy Montana Families program.

Healthy Montana Families home visits are conducted by a professionally trained home visitor and provide services to support pregnant moms and families with young children. Home visits promote infant and child health, foster educational development and school readiness, and prevent child abuse and neglect. 

Data Source

Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Early Childhood and Family Support Division


DATE - Data represent federal fiscal years (Oct. 1 - Sept. 30)
GEOGRAPHY - For data matching 2017-2022, participants are matched to the county providing services, not their place of residence. Starting with data in 2023, participants are matched to their county of residence. Not all counties in Montana provide home visiting services through the Healthy Montana Families program. If a county does not appear in the table, the location did not have a Healthy Montana Families program during the listed years. 
S- Data is not reported because less than five children or families participated. These data are included in a reportable county instead.
NA- Data is not reported because the county did not provide home visiting services that year.

Last Updated

January 2025