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Third-graders who scored at or above proficient on statewide reading assessment by race and ethnicity in North Dakota

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Percent of third graders attending public schools who scored at or above proficient on the reading portion of the North Dakota State Assessment by race and ethnicity.

Select counties are reported that have large enough cohorts of students to report by race/ethnicity.

Data Source

North Dakota Department of Public Instruction


NA - Data is suppressed if the number of students taking the state assessment (denominator) is less than 10. Additional suppression is applied if the percentage approached zero or 100 using ranges.
GEOGRAPHY - Data reflect the school location, not the student's place of residence.
RACE - Hispanic is reported in the table as a distinct category; students are classified into only one of the reported groups. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander is not reported for counties as the group is suppressed across all counties. 
NOTES - The assessment was canceled in the 2019/20 school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and data is not displayed in the table for that school year.

Last Updated

April 2024