United States
Youth transitioning out of foster care: Current enrollment in school in United States
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Definition and Source
Of young people who were in foster care within 45 days following his/her 17th birthday and completed the NYTD Outcomes baseline or follow-up survey at ages 17, 19, or 21: the number and percent who reported being enrolled and attending high school, GED courses, or postsecondary training or college at the time of data collection. If school was not in session at the time of data collection (i.e., during seasonal breaks), the young person was considered to be enrolled and attending if he/she would otherwise be enrolled and attending if the school was in session.
Data Source
National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) - Outcomes File, Cohort Age 17 in FY2014, Waves 1-3 (2018) .
NYTD data are used with the permission of Cornell University's National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect's website. The collector of the original data, the funding agency, NDACAN, Cornell University, and the agents or employees of these institutions bear no responsibility for the analyses or interpretations presented here.
NYTD data are used with the permission of Cornell University's National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect's website. The collector of the original data, the funding agency, NDACAN, Cornell University, and the agents or employees of these institutions bear no responsibility for the analyses or interpretations presented here.
S - Data suppressed due to a low number of respondents for an individual data point (<10) and/or a low number of overall respondents from a state/territory (<25).
Young people who are in foster care within 45 days following their 17th birthday are eligible to complete the NYTD Outcomes baseline survey. Those who complete the survey at 17 are eligible to complete follow up surveys at 19 and 21. Some states choose to sample from their baseline cohort (those who completed the survey at 17) for the follow up waves. Outcomes data in this file are self-reported, and young people may choose to decline to respond to any question in the survey.
Young people who are in foster care within 45 days following their 17th birthday are eligible to complete the NYTD Outcomes baseline survey. Those who complete the survey at 17 are eligible to complete follow up surveys at 19 and 21. Some states choose to sample from their baseline cohort (those who completed the survey at 17) for the follow up waves. Outcomes data in this file are self-reported, and young people may choose to decline to respond to any question in the survey.
Last Updated
September 2020