Statistics on children, youth and families in Louisiana from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Agenda for Children
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Definition and Source
Number - estimated number of children age 0–18 that have health coverage through either private (e.g., private purchase or employer-sponsored) or public (e.g., Medicaid or LaCHIP) insurance.
Percent - estimated number of children age 0–18 that have health coverage through either private (e.g., private purchase or employer-sponsored) or public (e.g., Medicaid or LaCHIP) insurance per 100 children age 0–18 in the population.
Percent - estimated number of children age 0–18 that have health coverage through either private (e.g., private purchase or employer-sponsored) or public (e.g., Medicaid or LaCHIP) insurance per 100 children age 0–18 in the population.
Data Source
Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau.
Last Updated
November 2024