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Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) participants by age group in South Dakota

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Why This Indicator Matters

Medicaid and CHIP provides coverage for medical and medically related services for low-income children and their families. A child may need coverage due to the impact of poverty and unemployment on their family’s ability to obtain health care services, and the degree to which they require assistance in paying for care.
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Definition and Source



The average monthly number of children participating in Medicaid or CHIP by age group.

Data Source

South Dakota Department of Social Services

Percent is calculated using population estimates from U.S. Census populations with bridged race categories from the National Center for Health Statistics.


NA - Data is suppressed when there are 5 or fewer families in the matching geography.
DATE - Data are for State Fiscal Years.
NOTE - Data for counties does not sum to the state total as some Medicaid/CHIP participants are not matched to a county for children in foster care and subsidized adoption.

Last Updated

October 2023