Statistics on children, youth and families in Michigan from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Michigan League for Public Policy
Average cost of full-time child care per month (percent of full-time minimum wage) in Michigan
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Why This Indicator Matters
Child care enables parents to take advantage of educational and economic opportunities for their families while providing children with quality settings to grow and learn. While child care should account for no more than 7% of a family’s budget, the average cost of care is often much greater, rivaling the costs of housing and in-state college tuition. Care is even more expensive for families that need infant or toddler care, have children with special needs, or who need care during evening or weekend hours.
Definition and Source
The number is the weighted average monthly cost for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children in day care centers, group homes and family homes in September of the year listed. The percentage is the cost of child care as a percentage of income from a full-time Michigan minimum wage job (40 hrs/wk).
Data Source
Early Childhood Investment Corporation
Data are self-reported by providers and not validated by any third party. Providers have the option to report and data are continually updated on a rolling basis. These data should be considered estimates as not all provider cost data are included.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 there was a drop in providers overall and of those reporting cost data. Caution should be taken when comparing 2020 data to other years.
Last Updated
October 2024