North Dakota
Statistics on children, youth and families in North Dakota from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and North Dakota KIDS COUNT
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Definition and Source
Food insecurity refers to USDA’s measure of lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members and limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods. Food insecure children are those children living in households experiencing food insecurity.
Food insecure households are not necessarily food insecure all the time. Food insecurity may reflect a household’s need to make trade-offs between important basic needs, such as housing or medical bills, and purchasing nutritionally adequate foods.
Each year of data represents a standalone snapshot of food insecurity in each state and county and caution should be used before comparing percentages year-by-year. Data starting in 2011 had a slightly altered methodology and should not be directly compared to prior years. Data methodology was altered again in 2018, making data not directly comparable to prior years.
Data Source
Dewey, A., Harris, V., Hake, M., & Engelhard, E. (2024). Map the Meal Gap 2024: An Analysis of County and Congressional District Food Insecurity and County Food Cost in the United States in 2022. Feeding America.
Last Updated
May 2024