Statistics on children, youth and families in Kansas from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Kansas Action for Children
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Definition and Source
Percent of children age between 24 and 35 months (or age 2.0 to 2.99) receiving 4+DTP, 3+Polio, 1+MMR, 3+Hib, 3+HepB, 1+Varicella and 4+PCV.
Data Source
Kansas children 24-35 months in the National Immunization Surveys, CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.
2017 numbers are based on the two-year weighted average of 2016 and 2017 NIS. Sample size of the two-year combined NIS for Kansas children age 2 to 2.99 is around 500. However, 200 such children were missing 4313314 series information. The NIS (KS subsample) sampling frame represents all Kansas children age between 19 and 35 months. However, we excluded children under age 2, because some vaccines can be received between age 1.5 to 2 and still considered as up-to-date. As a result of excluding those children who were under age 2, we noticed a jump on the 2016 up-to-date rate for all children, especially the Hispanic children. The much higher on-time rate from NIS (84.9% in 2016) than that from the KDHE retrospective survey (71% in 2013 equivalent) is difficult to explain. One possible explanation is that Hib and PCV are not required for kindergarten enrollment, so children with completed Hib+ PCV are captured in NIS, but not necessarily in the Retrospective study.
Last Updated
January 2022