Change Indicator

Students who have used marijuana one or more times during the past 30 days in New Hampshire

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Why This Indicator Matters

Substance use during adolescence, a critical time in brain development, can cause long-term,
potentially permanent, changes to the brain. Adolescent substance use, including of alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine, has been associated with impairment in a number of areas: cognitive functioning, increased risk of future substance use disorders, elevated rates of school dropout, an elevated risk of developing psychotic illnesses, and an increased rate of engaging in risky behaviors.
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Definition and Source



This indicator reports the percentage of students in grades 9 through 12 at high schools participating in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) who said they had used marijuana one or more times in the 30 days prior to taking the survey. This data is displayed by Regional Public Health Network.

Data Source

Public Health Network Data source: New Hampshire DHHS, Population Health, Health Statistics & Informatics

State level data source: Central for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH), Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System


N.A. – Data not available.

Last Updated

January 2025