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Share of homes that are cost-burdened in New Hampshire

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Why This Indicator Matters

Housing costs are one of the largest financial burdens that families face. Households where more than 30 percent of income goes to owner costs or gross rent are considered cost burdened. High housing costs can make it difficult for families to afford such necessities as food, clothing, transportation, child care, and medical care.

Housing cost burden can lead to housing insecurity, which is detrimental to children’s overall health and wellbeing.1 Poor housing conditions can lead to health problems and developmental delays. Children who move frequently due to unstable housing are less successful in school, are at higher risk for behavioral issues, and have less access to health care services.2

Across New Hampshire, with little county variation, the highest rate of cost burden is found among renters, followed by those in mortgaged homes, then those in homes owned outright.

1 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). affordablehousing/

2 National Housing Center (2014). Should I Stay or Should I Go? pdf p. 4
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Definition and Source



Share of households spending 30 percent or more of their total income on gross rent (rent plus utilities) or owner costs (mortgage, taxes, fees, and utilities).

Data Source

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year estimates, 2016-2021, Table DP04.


Data updated January 2023.
N.A. – Data not available.

Last Updated

January 2025