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Share of tax returns receiving the Earned Income Tax Credit in New Hampshire

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Why This Indicator Matters

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) program is one of the most successful anti-poverty programs in the nation.

In addition to the federal EITC, 34 states, Washington DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico have adopted their own EITC to provide additional support for working families.State EITCs provide relief for many working families by pulling them above the poverty line and by increasing the cash income of poor families. New Hampshire does not have a state EITC.1

1 National Conference of State Legislatures, Earned Income Tax Credit Overview,
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Definition and Source



The share of federal income tax returns in New Hampshire that claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).

The Earned Income Tax Credit is a federal program aimed at encouraging work and subsidizing earnings among low- to middle-income families, particularly those with children, by providing cash in the form of a tax credit. The value varies by family composition and earnings.

Data Source

Internal Revenue Service (IRS). SOI Tax Stats – County Data. 2014 - 2021


Data updated February 2023.
N.A. – Data not available.

Last Updated

January 2025