Statistics on children, youth and families in Connecticut from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Connecticut Voices for Children
Federal Earned Income Tax Credit number of filers
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Definition and Source
This indicator reports the number of households with children under 18 years that received the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).
Town totals for the number of filers were aggregated from zip-code EITC totals. A weighted total was calculated for zip-codes which encompass two or more towns by dividing the zip-codes’ totals by the number of towns they included. The weighted total was added to the rest of the respective towns’ totals. County and statewide totals for the number of filers are aggregated from town EITC totals.
Data Source
Internal Revenue Service, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Fiscal Years 2014 - 2020.
Last Updated