Statistics on children, youth and families in Kentucky from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Kentucky Youth Advocates
Definition and Source
Number of children in foster care due to abuse or neglect during the reported year.
Data Source
Kentucky Cabinet for Health & Family Services, Dept. for Community Based Services.
The data include youth ages 18 and older who have remained in a foster care placement. For children who had more than one placement in foster care during the reported year, only the first placement type is reported. Some child victims are directly placed into the custody of relatives by the courts without first entering the foster care system; the figures here underestimate placements with relatives. Other placements for children, such as hospitals, are not reflected in this data. The data for 2011 and 2012 were revised by the data source in July 2014 to correct errors discovered in the data. Data reflect county of case manager location.
S = number is suppressed for fewer than 6 children.
Updated on 7/26/2023
S = number is suppressed for fewer than 6 children.
Updated on 7/26/2023
Last Updated
July 2023