Statistics on children, youth and families in Texas from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Every Texan
Births to women receiving late or no prenatal care
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Definition and Source
The number and percent of births to women who received no prenatal care, or care after the first trimester.
Data Source
Bureau of Vital Statistics, Texas Department of State Health Services.
Texas introduced a new birth certificate in 2005, changing the categorization of the inadequate prenatal care data. Now, inadequate prenatal care is defined as receiving no prenatal care or only receiving prenatal care after the first trimester. Data from 2005 or later cannot be compared to earlier prenatal care data.
"LNE" (Low Number Event) indicates that between 1 and 9 births to women received no prenatal care, between 1 and 9 women received prenatal care only after the second trimester, or between 1 and 9 women received prenatal care only after the first trimester. Contact [email protected] for more details on a county listed as LNE.
Percentages are not available (NA) for counties with LNE or counties which had no births in a given year.
Updated November 2022.
"LNE" (Low Number Event) indicates that between 1 and 9 births to women received no prenatal care, between 1 and 9 women received prenatal care only after the second trimester, or between 1 and 9 women received prenatal care only after the first trimester. Contact [email protected] for more details on a county listed as LNE.
Percentages are not available (NA) for counties with LNE or counties which had no births in a given year.
Updated November 2022.
Last Updated
December 2023