Statistics on children, youth and families in Delaware from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and KIDS COUNT in Delaware
Student assessment (reading) by grade and income level 2019/20-2022/23 in Delaware
Student assessment (reading) by grade and income level 2019/20-2022/23
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2021 Testing Results Not Comparable The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to reshape most aspects of education in the 2020-2021 school year, including assessments. As a result, scores from this year’s assessments may look different than in previous school years. Factors such as learning location changes, absenteeism, and student participation rates may have impacted school and district results. The many factors and challenges experienced during the pandemic do not allow for direct comparisons of school level scores to previous year’s results. Instead, it is recommended that 2021 assessment results be used in combination with other data sources as a baseline for evaluating school recovery needs and accelerated learning plans for students.
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