Statistics on children, youth and families in Massachusetts from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center
MCAS (Next Generation) 3rd grade English language arts by school district (2017-2022) in Massachusetts
MCAS (Next Generation) 3rd grade English language arts by school district (2017-2022)
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Definition and Source
MCAS – The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System, a standardized test administered to students in grades 3-12.
Meeting or Exceeding Expectations –Meeting Expectations; Exceeding Expectations
Not Meeting Expectations – Partially Meeting Expectations, Not Meeting Expectations.
NA – Data not available for this test for this district.
Data Source
3rd grade English Language Arts results from Mass. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Massachusetts School and District Profiles: Next Generation MCAS Achievement Results
Data last updated by DESE September 29, 2022.
Data last updated by DESE September 29, 2022.
District results include all from the district who were tested. Results for districts with more than one school include students enrolled for the entire academic school year. Results for districts that only operate a single school include all students tested in the district.
Prior to 2015, school districts administered what is now referred to as the legacy MCAS exam. In 2015 and 2016, school districts had the option to administer either the legacy MCAS exam or the computer-based Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) exam. Starting in 2017, all students grades 3-8 were tested using the “Next Generation” MCAS which blended material from MCAS and PARCC. No standardized tests were administered in 2020.
Last Updated
December 2022