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High school dropouts by race and ethnicity in Texas

High school dropouts by race and ethnicity

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

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Definition and Source



The number and percent of students who dropped out between ninth grade and graduation, by race/ethnicity of students.  Year indicates the graduating year of the cohort. Percentages are within racial/ethnic group of students. For example, 3.6% of Texas' White students dropped out.

For a list of the school districts counted in each county, visit
For data on school districts, contact [email protected].

Data Source

Texas Education Agency


A code of NA generally indicates that the number is masked, either because it is a low number event or because a different category that is a low number event could be imputed based on the number.  The exceptions to this code are Loving and Kenedy counties, for which NA indicates that the data is not available or not applicable.

Last Updated

December 2023