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Low-income students by school district (2010-2014) in Massachusetts

Low-income students by school district (2010-2014)

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



Low-income student enrollment for each school district is derived from the percentage of students who meet ANY ONE of the following definitions of Low-income:
The student is eligible for free or reduced price lunch; or
The student receives Transitional Aid to Families benefits; or
The student is eligible for food stamps.

N/A = Data not available.

S: Suppressed due to an observation of less than 10 students.

Data Source

From the Mass. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts School and District Profiles: Enrollment Data.


Data as of October of the given school year.  Example: 2013-14 numbers were collected October 2013.

These data on the number of low-income students and the MA Kids Count indicator on students receiving free and reduced lunch -- are essentially the same measure.  The numbers differ slightly based on the time of collection and source of the data.

Last Updated

July 2015