Change Indicator

Mandatory kindergarten dental screening/exam in Kentucky

Mandatory kindergarten dental screening/exam

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



Per KRS 156.160, a dental exam or screening is to be conducted between January 1 and December 31 the year of a child's initial entry to public school kindergarten. The data portray the number and percent of public school kindergarteners receiving a dental screening and/or exam and had the data from the oral health screening form input by their school district.

Data Source

Kentucky Department of Education, available here.


Data were derived from summing the total number of dental screenings and exams and dividing that total into the number of kindergarteners enrolled. Calculated percentages are rounded to the nearest whole percentage point. Percentages may be greater than 100 given that a student may have received both a screening and an exam. Please use caution when interpreting results due to lack of standardization across districts and within school districts across time. For example, screening information may not be input into the system; therefore yielding an "at minimum" data set. This means that observations are limited to the known information input into the Infinite Campus Data Warehouse. In reality, a given school district may have had a higher proportion of kindergarteners that actually received a dental screening and/or exam than reported. 

* District failed to report data.
** District merged with county school district.

Updated 6/14/2019

Indicator will be updated soon.

Last Updated

June 2019