Statistics on children, youth and families in Wisconsin from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Kids Forward
Children in out-of-home placements
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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.
because one or more years have been deselected.
Why This Indicator Matters
More information on out-of-home care from Kids Forward: Children and Youth Do Best When Growing up in a Family-Like Setting.
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Definition and Source
These data are a point-in-time count of children placed in out-of-home care settings on December 31st of each year. Out of home placement settings include:
- Foster homes, including receiving homes, family foster homes, treatment foster home and pre-adoptive foster homes
- Unlicensed relative and non-relative homes
- Group homes
- Residential care centers (RCCs)
- Shelter care
- Detention
- Trial reunification
- Supervised independent living
- Hospital/mental health facility
- Missing from out-of-home care
These data may have been influenced by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, starting in 2020.
Data Source
These data are from the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families' annual Wisconsin Out-of-Home Care (OHC) Report.
Last Updated
December 2023