Statistics on children, youth and families in Wisconsin from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Kids Forward
Children in out-of-home placements
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Why This Indicator Matters
More information on out-of-home care from Kids Forward: Children and Youth Do Best When Growing up in a Family-Like Setting.
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Definition and Source
These data are a point-in-time count of children placed in out-of-home care settings on December 31st of each year. Out-of-home placement settings include:
- Foster homes, including receiving homes, family foster homes, treatment foster home and pre-adoptive foster homes
- Unlicensed relative and non-relative homes
- Group homes
- Residential care centers (RCCs)
- Shelter care
- Detention
- Trial reunification
- Supervised independent living
- Hospital/mental health facility
- Missing from out-of-home care
These data may have been influenced by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, starting in 2020.
Data Source
These data are from the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families' annual Wisconsin Out-of-Home Care (OHC) Report.
Last Updated
December 2023