Statistics on children, youth and families in Delaware from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and KIDS COUNT in Delaware
Early Childhood Assistance Program enrollment
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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.
because one or more years have been deselected.
Why This Indicator Matters
The Head Start program provides comprehensive child development services to economically disadvantaged children and families, with a special focus on helping preschoolers develop the early reading and math skills they need to be successful in thei9r future academic careers. The range of services offered are designed to be responsive to the developmental, ethnic, cultural and linguistic experience for children and their families. Head Start and partnering organizations promote school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children though the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social and other services. Head Start focuses on the child's overall development and a hallmark of this program is its emphasis on engaging parents in the many activities that support their child's development.
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Definition and Source
Funded enrollment and number of eligible 4-year olds served in the Delaware Head Start and Early Childhood Assistance (ECAP) programs
Head Start is a federally funded program operated by local public and private non-profit and for-profit agencies to provide comprehensive child development services to children who are at or below the poverty level. Special focus is on helping preschoolers from 3 to school entry develop early reading and math skills. The Head Start program is permitted to serve up to 10% of their children who are above the poverty threshold to meet mandates to provide services to children with disabilities.
Funded enrollment is funded slots. Number of children served is the cumulative number of children that filled funded slots throughout the year. Number of children served exceeds the fund enrollment because some children leave the program during the year and other children re-fill their slots.
Data Source
Delaware Department of Education.
The number of programs decreased from 4 in 2007 to 2 in 2011.
There was a large increase in enrollment and number of children served due to the corporate headquarters of one program residing in another state before 2016.
Last Updated
March 2023