Change Indicator

Children experiencing poverty in Wisconsin

Children experiencing poverty

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Why This Indicator Matters

Growing up in poverty puts children at risk for poor health and chronic illness, and makes it less likely that children will succeed academically.
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Definition and Source



These data represent the number and percent of children experiencing poverty. The percent is the total number of children under age 18 experiencing poverty, divided by the child population for which poverty status is known. These data are five-year averages.

The U.S. Census Bureau website has information on federal poverty thresholds each year, showing the income levels below which people are considered to be experiencing poverty for various family sizes each year. More information about how the U.S. Census measures poverty can be found here.

These data may have been influenced by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, starting in 2020.

Data Source

These data are five-year estimates from the American Community Survey, Table S1701, Poverty Status in the Last 12 Months.

Last Updated

December 2024