Statistics on children, youth and families in Kansas from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Kansas Action for Children
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollment
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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.
because one or more years have been deselected.
Definition and Source
CHIP Enrollment is the average monthly enrollment of children under age 19 in the Children’ Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The average monthly number is the mean of the 12 monthly enrollment numbers calculated at the end of a calendar year.
Data Source
Data are provided by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
CHIP income eligible children are those who lived in families with income <200% FPL prior to 2009, <241% FPL in 2010 (expanding to 250% of 2008 FPL), < 238% FPL in 2011, <232% in 2012, < 247% in 2013(MAGI method and 250% of 2008 FPL till 2018), <245% in 2014, <244% in 2015, <243% in 2016, <241% in 2017, <240% in 2018 and back to <225% in 2019, and are not income eligible for Medicaid. ACA expands children age 6-18 Medicaid eligibility to 133%, therefore effecting July 1, 2015, the formerly 113%-133% CHIP eligible now converted to "M-CHIP" eligible, M-CHIP is Medicaid and no longer CHIP (but applying the enhanced CHIP federal matching rate). The decrease of CHIP enrollment in CY 2016 may be explained by the M-CHIP conversion. The 2018 number of children enrolled for Allen County was irregular and KDHE did not have a good explanation. Therefore, the number is not reported. The current number represents the average monthly enrollment number for calendar year 2019. The trend represents the average monthly change in the number of children enrolled in CHIP for calendar years 2015–19.
Last Updated
December 2023