Change Indicator

Youth charged with offenses by type of offense in Kentucky

Youth charged with offenses by type of offense

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



Public offenses reflect the number of youth, and rate per 10,000 youth ages 10-19, charged with an offense that would be a crime if committed by an adult. Status offenses reflect the number of youth, and rate per 10,000 youth ages 10-19, charged with an offense that would not be a crime if committed by an adult.

Data Source

Administrative Office of the Courts, Court Designated Worker database. Number of children for rate calculations provided by Kentucky Population Research at the University of Louisville Urban Studies Institute and the National Center for Health Statistics.


Data do not include all charges added by the court after cases begin the formal court process. Counts reflect unique youth referrals, rather than all charges associated with a unique referral. Youth who received charges in more than one county will be counted in each of those counties' totals.
S = Number is suppressed for fewer than 6 occurrences.
 LNE = Low number event; rates were not calculated for counties with fewer than 6 occurrences.
Updated on 8/19/19 

Indicator will be updated soon.

Last Updated

August 2019