Statistics on children, youth and families in Wisconsin from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Kids Forward
Youth residing in juvenile correctional facilities
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Why This Indicator Matters
This indicator is the average daily population in Wisconsin's juvenile correctional facilities for the calendar year. Wisconsin's juvenile correctional facilities are Lincoln Hills School, Copper Lake School, Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center, and Grow Academy.
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Definition and Source
These data represent the annual average daily population of youth residing at state-run juvenile corrections facilities, including: Lincoln Hills School, Copper Lake School, Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center, and Grow Academy.
These data may have been influenced by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, starting in 2020. For parts of 2020 and 2021, Grow Academy transitioned to virtual and daytime programming due to COVID-19, and these youth were not included in this calculation because they returned home each evening and were not considered residents.
Data Source
Data are provided by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Data provided for 2020 reflect the impact of COVID-19, as Lincoln Hills School and Copper Lake School did not accept new youth for several months, and Grow Academy transitioned to virtual and day programming (these Grow Academy youth were not included in the average daily population calculations because they returned home each evening).
Last Updated
April 2024