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Infant deaths by race in Florida

Infant deaths by race

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Definition and Source



The number of deaths to individuals less than one year of age. Infant death rate is the number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births; infant mortality rate. Race entries usually are tabulated as stated on the death certificate. However, designations such as "Hispanic" are generally classified as "white". Designations such as "bi-racial," "nonwhite," or "mixed" are classified as "other entries". There are 15 race designations from which any number may be chosen. For tabulation purposes, frequency counts for each of the 15 designations indicate that only a single selection was made. When a single category "other" was selected and a black Hispanic designation was specified, the race was classified as "black". Otherwise, "other" with a Hispanic designation was classified as "white". Multiple selections of race are tabulated under the "other/multi-race" category. "Black" and "other" were combined to create nonwhite.

Data Source

Office of Vital Statistics, Florida Department of Health, Jacksonville, FL


Low Number Event (LNE) indicates unreliable rates and ratios, those with denominators less than 100.
Beginning with 2014 data by race and ethnicity are presented differently than in previous years. See new indicator.

Last Updated

October 2015