Change Indicator

Births to mothers age 20 to 24 in Florida

Births to mothers age 20 to 24

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



The number of births to mothers age 20 to 24. The birth rate is the number of births to age specific females per 1,000 female population of the same age group; fertility rate.

Data Source

Florida CHARTS, Division of Public Health Statistics & Performance Management, Florida Department of Health. Population estimates used for calculating the birth rates are provided by the Department of Health, Office of Health Statistics and Assessment in consultation with the Florida's Legislature's Office of Economic and Demographic Research.


Based on place of residence; mother's residence was used when it differed from the father's residence.
Beginning with 2014, an asterisk (*) represents data that are suppressed due to confidentiality.

Last Updated

April 2021