Change Indicator

Teen deaths in Delaware

Teen deaths

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Why This Indicator Matters

As children age, they encounter new environments and challenges that pose new risks to their safety. Teenagers are significantly more likely to die from injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents and firearms than children of younger ages.
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Definition and Source



Five-year Average Teen Death Rates by Accident, Homicide, and Suicide per 100,000 Teens 15-19 Years of Age

Data Source

Delaware Health Statistics Center


Some Delaware indicators are presented as three- or five- year averages because rates based on small numbers of events in this modestly-populated state can vary dramatically from year to year. A three- or five- year average is less susceptible to distortion. In these cases, it is helpful to look at trends rather than at actual numbers, rates or percentages due to the small numbers.

Last Updated

April 2021