Change Indicator

Children enrolled in Medicaid or Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program who received dental services in Kentucky

Children enrolled in Medicaid or Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program who received dental services

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Definition and Source



Number and percent of Kentucky children enrolled in Medicaid or the Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program (KCHIP) who received any dental care.

Data Source

Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Medicaid Services.


Data refer to the total number of children (up to age of 20) receiving dental services that were enrolled in Medicaid or KCHIP, including the Passport region. A child may be counted in more than one county if they moved to a different county during the year. Prior to 2014, the statewide total is derived from the county sum. Beginning in 2014, the statewide total reflects unique members. 

Updated 4/30/2020

Indicator will be updated soon.

Last Updated

April 2020