Change Indicator

Juvenile violent crime arrests in Virgin Islands

Data Selected

Juvenile violent crime arrests (Percent) - 2011-2020

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Definition and Source



The number of arrests of youths between ages 10 and 17 for Part 1 indexed violent offenses (homicide, forcible rape, robbery or aggravated assault), and the rate per 100,000 youths of that age group. 

Data Source

Virgin Islands Police Department

Population data sourced from annual Virgin Islands Community Surveys.

NOTE: In the absence of a VICS report for 2011, population data for 2011 are from the 2010 U.S. Census. 


N/A - Data not available

Data may include repeated arrests of the same individual at different times for different offenses.

Data is reported for the fiscal year (October - September). 

Data for St. Thomas also includes St. John youth.

Last Updated

December 2022