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High school graduation rates in Kentucky

High school graduation rates

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



Number and rate of students graduating within four years of entering high school, and graduation in more than four years for students with an Individual Education Plan.

Data Source

Kentucky Department of Education


For the rate calculation, dropouts from the graduating class include students from the class that dropped out at any point during the four years. District figures may include youth who graduated while in a district-operated high school, vocational-technical school, special education school, alternative school and instructional program in a nondistrict-operated institution. State-wide figures include youth who graduated but were not counted within a district due to being enrolled less than 30 days before graduation. 
* = No high school in the district.
** = District merged with county school district.
Updated on 8/2/2010.

Last Updated

August 2010