Change Indicator

Children who are victim of or witness to community violence in Delaware

Children who are victim of or witness to community violence

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Why This Indicator Matters

Children who experience community violence are either a victims or bystanders to violent crime in their community. Children who witness community violence are likely to internalize symptoms and anxiety. Current knowledge about children who witness community violence understands that urban children particularly are more likely to experience disruptive behavior issues, a variety of co-occurring emotional and behavioral symptoms, and poor psycho-social functioning and hostility. Risk factors for Children who witness community violence include attention impairment and declines in cognitive performance.
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Definition and Source



Children who were ever a victim of violence or a witness to violence in their neighborhood, two-year average

Data Source

Center for Child and Adolescent Health, National Survey of Children's Health

Last Updated

April 2024