Statistics on children, youth and families in Kentucky from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Kentucky Youth Advocates
Children in foster care by race and ethnicity
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Definition and Source
Children in foster care by race-ethnicity is the number of children under age 18 per 1,000 children in this age group who lived in foster care due to abuse or neglect. Foster care includes placements in homes with relatives or unrelated caregivers, or institutional placements such as group homes or residential treatment facilities. Data are collected to reflect the county of the case manager’s office, which usually corresponds with the county in which a family is being served. The numerator for the rate calculation is the summation of the three-year time period. The denominator for the rate calculation is the population estimate for the midpoint year of the three-year time period.
Data Source
Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Community Based Services. Child population data for rate calculation is from the U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, processed by Kentucky Youth Advocates.
* = Rate not calculated for fewer than 6 events.
Updated 11/9/21
Updated 11/9/21
Last Updated
November 2021