Change Indicator

Attrition in public high schools by race and ethnicity, detailed disaggregation in Texas

Attrition in public high schools by race and ethnicity, detailed disaggregation

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

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Definition and Source



**Beginning in 2019 we are able to provide improved dis aggregation for attrition data by race and ethnicity which in addition to White, Hispanic, and African American students also provides data for Native American, Asian, and students with two or more races.**

 Number and percent of students from a class of 9th graders not enrolled in 12th grade four school years later, by race and ethnicity of students. Year indicates the graduating year of the cohort. Percentages are within racial/ethnic group of students. For example, 26% of Texas' African-American 9th-graders left school before graduating with a high school diploma. 

Data Source

Intercultural Development Research Association.


"LNE" = Low Number Event, denoting a negative attrition rate. "NA" means the necessary data are unavailable to calculate the attrition rate.

Last Updated

August 2021