Change Indicator

Child pop by race and ethnicity, Asian disaggregated in Texas

Child pop by race and ethnicity, Asian disaggregated

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Why This Indicator Matters

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Definition and Source



This dataset disaggregates Asian from "Other," which includes children who are multiracial, Native American, or some other race. For all indicators, Texas KIDS COUNT uses the racial and ethnic labels, categories, and definitions provided by the source agency. In other words, if the source for the data uses the term "Black", then that is the term we will use in the Data Center. If the source uses the term "African-American," then we will use that term in the Data Center. As these labels and categories may differ by source, they may also differ between indicators. 

Data Source

Texas Demographic Center, University of Texas at San Antonio. 


Pending 2020 figures.

Last Updated

December 2023