Statistics on children, youth and families in Florida from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Florida Policy Institute
Dropouts 2015/2016 - present
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Definition and Source
The number and rate per 100 of cohort-based dropouts. The cohort-based dropout rate is the percentage of students who drop out of school within four years of their first enrollment in ninth grade. Subsequent to their enrollment in ninth grade, students who transfer out and deceased students are removed from the calculation. Entering transfer students are included in the rate for the class with which they are scheduled to graduate, based on their date of enrollment. In a cohort, at the end of four years students can be classified as graduates, dropouts or non-graduates. A dropout is defined as a student who withdraws from school for any of several reasons without transferring to another school, home education program or adult education program.
Data Source
Division of Accountability, Research and Measurement, Bureau of PK-20 Education Reporting and Accessibility, Florida Department of Education, Tallahassee, FL
An asterisk (*) represents data that are suppressed due to confidentiality.
Last Updated
May 2024