Statistics on children, youth and families in Massachusetts from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center
Median income for families with children
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Why This Indicator Matters
The vast majority of households count on wages from work for most of their household income. Just as economic growth in Massachusetts hasn’t meant equitable wage growth for all workers, household incomes in Massachusetts haven’t grown equally either. Access to economic opportunity varies across the Commonwealth along geographic and racial lines, based on factors such as access to employment opportunities and transportation, availability of well-resourced schools, availability of affordable housing, and more.
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Definition and Source
Currency – Median income in dollars for families with own children (under 18 years). Income is expressed in dollars inflated to the year at the end of the survey period. For example, family income for the 2014-2018 survey period is expressed adjusted to 2018 dollars; family income for the 2017-2021 survey period is expressed adjusted to 2021 dollars.
S – Data suppressed: estimate has low statistical reliability due to small sample size and is more likely to be inaccurate.
Data Source
U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table S1903. Updated January 2023 with 2017-2021 data.
The median incomes for the wealthiest towns in Massachusetts exceed the range presented by the Census Bureau in this survey. Median incomes presented in the Data Center as $250,000 should be read as $250,000+.
These are estimates based on a survey, and they may be highly unreliable for towns with small populations due to small sample sizes.
When comparing estimates over time, researchers recommend comparing time periods that do not include overlapping years.
Last Updated
January 2023