New Jersey
Statistics on children, youth and families in New Jersey from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Advocates for Children of New Jersey
Chronically absent students, by race
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Why This Indicator Matters
Based on a 180-day school year, any student who misses 18 days or more per year — or about two days per month — is considered chronically absent. When students are young, too many absences can reduce their chances of reading proficiently by third grade, a key indicator of long-term academic success. When students are older, absenteeism places them at risk of not graduating high school, not attending college or failing to find a meaningful career.
Visit ACNJ's website for more information on chronic absenteeism in New Jersey.
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Visit ACNJ's website for more information on chronic absenteeism in New Jersey.
Definition and Source
Students who miss 10 percent or more of total enrolled school days, includes suspensions and both excused and unexcused absences. Represents students in grades Pre-K through grade 12.
Data Source
As reported by the N.J. Department of Education, School Performance Reports.
Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NJDOE did not report chronic absenteeism figures for the 2019-20 school year. Data for the 2020-21 should be interpreted with caution due to different modes of instruction throughout the school year.
Updated 12/15/2023.
Updated 12/15/2023.
Last Updated
December 2023