Change Indicator

Teen mental health by risk factor in Delaware

Teen mental health by risk factor

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Why This Indicator Matters

Students were asked if they felt sad or hopeless for two or more weeks at a time in past 12 Months, if they had purposely hurt/cut themselves in the past 12 months, and if they had attempted suicide in the past 12 months. Data illustrate feelings of depression by different segments of the Delaware high school student population including sexual identity, race, incarceration of parents, disability status, and bullying victimization.

Of students who reported being bullied in the past year 19% reported attempting suicide, compared to 5% of students who reported not being bullied in the past year.

Children's mental health affects how they socialize, how they learn and how well they meet their potential. Mental health is important at ever stage in life. Certain kinds of stress in a child's environment can lead to mental health problems. Toxic stress in early childhood is caused by experiences such as extreme poverty, abuse and chronic or sever maternal depression, all of which can disrupt the developing brain, particularly when children lack supports to protect against these harmful experiences. So just like we have to limit the negative substances in our environments to avoid harm, we need to eliminate stressors in children's environments to avoid the toxic stress that will affect their mental health.
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Definition and Source



NA: Data Not available
S: Data Suppressed

Not sure of sexual identity includes: I describe my sexual identity some other way, I am not sure about my sexual identity (questioning), and I am not sure what this question is asking. These options were added in 2021.

In past years, race variable separates multi racial and other. By combining them, fewer numbers are suppressed.

Data Source

Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware


Last Updated

January 2023