New Jersey
Statistics on children, youth and families in New Jersey from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Advocates for Children of New Jersey
Students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations on Math PARCC Exams High School Subject Tests in New Jersey
Students Meeting or Exceeding Expectations on Math PARCC Exams High School Subject Tests
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Definition and Source
The percentage of students scoring level 4 or level 5 on the NJ Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). Data include traditional district schools as well as charter schools.
For the school year ending in June of each year listed.
Data Source
As reported by the New Jersey Department of Education, NJ Statewide Assessment Reports.
County figures for students meeting or exceeding expectations calculated by ACNJ.
Data updated 4.9.20.
Data updated 4.9.20.
Last Updated
April 2020