Statistics on children, youth and families in Florida from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Florida Policy Institute
Students eligible to participate in free/reduced lunch in Florida
Students eligible to participate in free/reduced lunch
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Definition and Source
The number of public school students eligible to participate in the free and reduced lunch program. The percent is the number of students eligible to participate divided by the total public school enrollment. Eligibility is based on reported income.
Data Source
PK-12 Education Information Services, Division of Accountability, Research and Measurement, Florida Department of Education, Tallahassee, FL
The United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services is responsible for overseeing the program nationally. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness administer the program in Florida.
Beginning with the 2016/17 school year data, Florida KIDS COUNT will no longer be updating this indicator in the Data Center.
Last Updated
October 2017