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Suspensions and expulsions in Delaware

Suspensions and expulsions

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Why This Indicator Matters

The State of Delaware's Department of Education keeps track of out-of-school suspensions and expulsions in all regular, vocational/technical and special public schools for each school year. The duration of out-of-school suspensions is influenced by district policy, district procedure, severity of the incident, frequency of a particular student's involvement in disciplinary actions and the availability of disciplinary alternatives.
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Definition and Source



Public School Students Enrolled, Expelled and Suspended, School Years.

In-School Suspensions: Includes the number of incidents when a student is removed from the regular classroom setting due to a disciplinary infraction and is assigned to an in-school suspension program for a temporary amount of time.

Out-of-School Suspension: Includes the number of incidents when a student is removed from the regular classroom setting due to a disciplinary infraction and is banned from school grounds for a specified length of time.

Expulsion: Includes the number of incidents when the local board of education bans a student from the regular school setting for a specified length of time.

Data Source

Delaware Department of Education


Suspensions are total number of suspensions, not students suspended. A student may have multiple suspensions.The State of Delaware's Department of Education keeps track of out-of-school suspensions and expulsions in all regular, vocational/technical, and special public schools for each school year. The duration of out-of-school suspensions is influenced by district procedure, severity of the incident, frequency of a particular student's involvement in disciplinary actions, and the availability of disciplinary alternatives.Most frequent infractions resulting in Suspensions were Defiance of School Authority, Fighting, General Disruption. Most frequent infractions resulting in Expulsion were Drug Use or Possession, Assault/Battery.

N.A.: Not Available
S: Data Suppressed; data are suppressed where number of incidences are at or below 10 to limit the disclosure of information about individual respondents and to reduce the number of estimates with unacceptable levels of statistical reliability.

Last Updated

September 2024