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Low birthweight births (Less Than 2500 Grams), percent of live births in New York

Low birthweight births (Less Than 2500 Grams), percent of live births

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Why This Indicator Matters

Low birthweight is a major cause of infant mortality and increases an infant's chances for dying in infancy. Preterm delivery underlies most low birthweight births. Lifestyle behaviors - such as cigarette smoking, insufficient weight gain or nutritional intake during pregnancy and use of other drugs - are known risk factors. Socioeconomic disadvantage is also closely related to low birthweight.

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Definition and Source



Infants weighing less than 2,500 grams (5.5 pounds) at birth are considered to be low birthweight. The low birthweight rate is the number of low birthweight births per 100 live births for which a birthweight is known. This rate is presented as a percent.

Data Source

NYS Department of Health, Bureau of Biometrics, birth certificates Population Source: NYS Department of Health, Bureau of Biometrics, birth certificates.


The percent of low birthweight births is calculated by dividing the number of low birthweight births by the number of live births for which the birth weight is known. Rates are not stable when the number is less than 20.

Last Updated

December 2016