New Jersey
Statistics on children, youth and families in New Jersey from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Advocates for Children of New Jersey
Children with Substantiated/Established Findings of Abuse/Neglect in New Jersey
Children with Substantiated/Established Findings of Abuse/Neglect
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Definition and Source
Number and percentage of child abuse/neglect investigations that are substantiated/established. Based on the number of children reported to be victims of child abuse/neglect.
Data Source
New Jersey Department of Children and Families, Child Protection and Permanency
Due to a change in the way in which CP&P conducts investigations of child abuse/neglect in 2005, 2005 data is not comparable to prior or future years.
Beginning in 2013, the NJ Department of Children and Families added two possible findings of child abuse/neglect investigations: established and not established. Data from 2013 onward includes substantiated and established findings.
Updated 7/29/2024.
Beginning in 2013, the NJ Department of Children and Families added two possible findings of child abuse/neglect investigations: established and not established. Data from 2013 onward includes substantiated and established findings.
Updated 7/29/2024.
Last Updated
July 2024