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Immunizations in Kansas


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Definition and Source



Percentage of kindergartners fully immunized of 4:3:1:3:3 series at 35 months of age.

Data Source

Kansas Department of Health and Environment


Data based on a retrospective survey of immunization certificates. A child was considered up-to-date for the 4:3:1:3:3:1:4 series if he or she has had DTaP4, Polio3, MMR1, Hib3, HepB3, Var1, and PCV4 vaccinations before 3 years of age. 2018 numbers were based on Retrospective Survey of school year 2017-18 collected in Sep 2017, reflecting kids' 2013-2014 on-time immunization results. National Immunization Survey results show Kansas children with a much higher up-to-date series completion rate around 80%, compared to 71% in the Retrospective study.  The under reporting of Hib and PCV vaccination in KS retrospective study may be the reason.

The Kansas Immunization Retrospective study was delayed during the COVID-19 pandemic from early 2020-2022. As a result this indicator will not be updated until new data is available. New data will be introduced in 2023.

Last Updated

December 2023