Change Indicator

Teens not graduated, not enrolled, and not working in Delaware

Teens not graduated, not enrolled, and not working

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Why This Indicator Matters

Teenagers, especially those who are neither in school or working, may face difficulties transitioning from youth to adult society. Such detachment puts youth at increased risk for having lower earning and a less stable employment history than their peers who stayed in school or secured jobs. Reconnecting youth to education and employment requires a multifaceted approach. Young people need multiple and flexible pathways to success that meet their varied needs- combining education, training and supportive services as well as strong relationships with adults. In order to thrive during the transition to adulthood, young people need to develop self-management skills through positive work experiences and need a network of resources to tap into. By coordinating the initiatives of national policymakers with the resources of local communities, and by creating career pathways for youth by supporting public and private investment that produces new jobs, youth can be reconnected to the labor market and their needs of economic stability can be met.
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Definition and Source



Data Source

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Table B14005

Last Updated

December 2024