Change Indicator

Juvenile arrests below age 18 in Connecticut

Juvenile arrests below age 18

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Definition and Source



This indicator reports the number of arrests of young people below the age of 18. These totals include arrests across all crimes, and do not reflect the number of individuals charged or convicted.

Data Source

All data come from Federal Bureau of Investigations, Uniform Crime Reports. Data for 2016 and 2017 are located on the Connecticut Department of Public Safety website:

Data for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 are located on the Connecticut State Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Crimes Analysis Unit website:


Data for Groton is the sum of data points for Groton City, Groton LP, and Groton Town.
Data for Putnam is the sum of data points for Putnam CSP and Putnam Municipal.
Data for Windham is the sum of data points for Willimantic and Windham. 

These data represent unique arrests, not unique persons.

The data source has not published new data for this indicator in recent years, but the indicator will be updated on the KIDS COUNT Data Center if or when new data are released. Until then, these data may provide useful historical information for those working in this field.

Last Updated

February 2023