Statistics on children, youth and families in Connecticut from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Connecticut Voices for Children
Children without health insurance
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Why This Indicator Matters
Children who are covered by insurance are more likely to have a regular health care provider, and to receive care when they need it. Parents of children without coverage may be forced to delay or forego seeking treatment for their children’s health issues. Uninsured children who do receive treatment are more likely to do so after conditions have worsened. A 2009 analysis of two well-known large inpatient databases found that children who were hospitalized without insurance have significantly increased all-cause in-hospital mortality as compared to those who are insured. [i] New research suggests that parent mentorship programs which assist families in enrolling in health insurance coverage, accessing care, and mitigating some of the social determinants of health, can be effective in increasing the health insurance enrollment among Hispanic and Latino children, who have the highest rate of childhood uninsurance nationwide. [ii]
[i] Fizan Abdullah, et al., “Analysis of 23 Million US Hospitalizations: Uninsured Children Have Higher All-Cause In-Hospital Mortality,” Journal of Public Health 32, no. 2 (June 2010): 236-44.
[ii] Flores, G., Lin, H., Walker, C., Lee, M., Currie, J., Allgeyer, R., ... & Massey, K. (2018). Parent Mentoring Program Increases Coverage Rates For Uninsured Latino Children. Health Affairs, 37(3), 403-412.
Definition and Source
This indicator reports the total number and percentage of children under the age of 18 who have no health insurance coverage. Health insurance coverage includes employer-based and direct-purchase insurance, as well as Medicare/means-tested public coverage, TRICARE/Military health coverage, and VA Health Care.
Data Source
U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015, 2012-2016, 2013-2017, 2014-2018, 2015-2019, 2016-2020, and 2017-2021, American Community Survey Estimates, Table B27010.
Methodology: The total numbers of children under 18 with no health insurance were divided by the total numbers of children under 18. Counts of 6 or fewer—excluding zero—were suppressed, as were percentages generated from suppressed counts.
S: Data Suppressed
Last Updated