Statistics on children, youth and families in Delaware from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and KIDS COUNT in Delaware
Housing foreclosures 2012-2021
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Why This Indicator Matters
Home ownership can be a key component to the strengthening of families, children and communities. Homeowners tend to be more involved in their communities and make more investments in the physical quality of their home and neighborhood which, in turn, fosters a better environment for children. Home ownership is an important step towards building assets and financial stability for a family and research indicates that homeowners are more likely to make other savvy investments such as saving for their child's education.
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Definition and Source
Number of Housing Foreclosure Filings by Year
Data Source
Fraud and Consumer Protection Division, Delaware Attorney General, Delaware Automatic Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program
Mortgage Foreclosure Meditations resumed in August 2020
Last Updated
March 2023