North Carolina
Statistics on children, youth and families in North Carolina from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and NC Child
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Definition and Source
Annual count of children enrolled in child care centers by license rating of facility.
A rating of one star means that a child care program meets North Carolina’s minimum licensing standards for child care. Programs that choose to voluntarily meet higher standards can apply for a two to five star license. The star rating is comprised of a facility’s scores in three quality components: Staff Education, Program Standards and Compliance History. For more information on the Star Rated Licenses please refer to https://ncchildcare.ncdhhs.gov/Services/Licensing/Star-Rated-License.
A rating of one star means that a child care program meets North Carolina’s minimum licensing standards for child care. Programs that choose to voluntarily meet higher standards can apply for a two to five star license. The star rating is comprised of a facility’s scores in three quality components: Staff Education, Program Standards and Compliance History. For more information on the Star Rated Licenses please refer to https://ncchildcare.ncdhhs.gov/Services/Licensing/Star-Rated-License.
Data Source
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Development and Early Education. Special data request received December 2024.
Last Updated
December 2024